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Investment Recovery

In today’s global reality of shrinking capital budgets and uncertain resources, making operational assets and equipment affordable and available is invaluable.

One of 2 Saab Drakens recovered during a hidden asset seizure.

Through strategic use of recycling, redeployment, reselling and other innovative techniques, investment recovery professionals like Post-Auction Services can recover millions of dollars of value in often-forgotten assets including landscaping, excess and scrap metal and materials into recovery and reclamation markets.

It is the common goal of everyone at Post-Auction Services to insure the highest yield possible when converting your company's assets to usable capital. We can handle a wide breadth of products and processes, recovering your assets to secondary market vendors and finding qualified buyers.

Investment Recovery Services Include:

Digging up assets (palm trees) during complete facility closure
of the Raytheon microelectronics division, Newport Beach, California

  • Aerospace
  • Agriculture
  • Chemical
  • Defense
  • Industrial
  • Manufacturing / Heavy Manufacturing
  • Machinery
  • Marine
  • Medical
  • Metals
  • Mining
  • Plastics
  • Technology / Technology Equipment